COVID-19 Resources Page: Hyperlinked Articles and Questions

COVID-19 Hyperlinked Articles with Key Points Below is a summary of Key Points along with their hyperlinks. I have also listed the questions which can…

COVID-19: From Zoonotic Spillover to Host and Pathogen Interaction in Human Disease

Key Points Answered in this Article 1. What constitutes a spillover? 2. What are the contributing factors? 3. How does SARS-CoV-2 cause infection in human…

Coronavirus: EverythingYou Need to Know

I would be remiss in these uncertain times if I didn't share this brilliant article with you from The Atlantic, written by the talented Ed…

So I Was Not Just Paranoid

A National Institutes of Health study found the corona virus can live on cardboard for 24 hours and 2 to 3 days on plastic and…

Patient Information: Protecting Yourself from Viral Infection (Including COVID-19)

During an uncertain time as we realize the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the local communities, here are a few questions and answers regarding…

Pandemic COVID-19: Applying Early Lessons Learned

The novelty of the novel COVID-19 outbreak has passed. Sure our imagination that drums up images of viral apocalypse and global chaotic destabilization are simmering.…