Survivors Helping Survivors Connect with people who know what you are going through.

Your Backstrokes Link!

This is the link for today's Backstrokes Sing-Along for Stroke & Brain Injury Survivors, Friends & Family

Please join Keith Parkhurst and Anne Tillinghast for an hour and a half of musical fun Mondays at 11 AM PST.

Sing and/or play your instrument along with Keith from home. No experience necessary!


If you have trouble getting into the meeting, please text or call Anne at 503-775-6041


You are welcome, but not required, to donate to our Venmo account! 

Using the Venmo account on your smartphone, search for Anne Tillinghast, or Anne-Tillinghast-1.


We hope to see you there!
Keith Parkhurst 

Anne Tillinghast


Backstrokes Sing-Along 

For more information contact Anne 


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NW Brain Network
Portland, Oregon
@Copyright 2020 Northwest Brain Network